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藝術總監 周東彥
Artistic Director Chou, Tung-Yen



倫敦中央聖馬丁藝術暨設計學院,劇場與多媒體碩士(MA Scenography)





「作為Asia TOPA的創意總監,我已持續關注周東彥及其所創立的狠劇場好幾年的時間。他是這個世代中,在「數位」及「現場演出」的領域上最傑出的創作者之一,同時也是個對於原創作品有著大膽想像的藝術家。」

——Stephen Armstrong(墨爾本藝術中心Asia TOPA創意總監)


Artistic Director|CHOU Tung-Yen

Chou, Tung-Yen holds a MA in Scenography with distinction from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London and a BFA in Theatre Directing from Taipei National University of the Arts.


He is the founder and director of Very Theatre Company & Very Mainstream Studio. Centering around the theatre and moving image, he makes interdisciplinary works of performance, installation and music video. By blending digital imagery, physical movement, and theatrical elements, he has created several award-winning performances “Emptied Memories” and “Teatime with me, myself and I”. The latest international co-production with Culture Yard in Denmark, “Chronicle of Light Year” premiered in Taipei Art Festival and invited to perform in Ars Electronica Festival, Linz in 2018. He made a 6-days durational performance installation “Interchangeable Cities” in the Taipei Fine Art Museum in 2017.

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103047 台北市大同區興城街10巷16號4樓

4F., No.16, Ln. 10, Xingcheng St., Datong Dist., Taipei City 103047, Taiwan

Very Mainstream  狠主流
Very Theatre           狠劇場
© 2020 by Very Mainstream Studio
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