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我們是否在裝死? x 陳武康
Play dead? --- Taiwanese Choreographer Chen Wu-kang
編舞是什麼?裝死是什麼?看驫舞劇場總監陳武康的A day!
Under choreographer Chen Wu-kang’s long hair and rugged, masculine exterior are years of classical training and a unique eye for relationships and movements. In this video, he talks about his young dancer self, what choreography means to him, and the recent social movements that inspired his new piece, Playing Dead.
“I think choreography is the biggest in the world, for me, because it’s integrated art. It integrates fine arts, visual art and music. It has mathematics, a lot of physics and movements, body, space and architecture.”
11648 台北市文山區木柵路三段85巷23弄28號6樓
6F., No.28, Aly. 23, Ln. 85, Sec. 3, Muzha Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan
Very Mainstream 狠主流
Very Theatre 狠劇場
© 2020 by Very Mainstream Studio
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