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他們在兩廳院的中心呼喊愛─台大篇 x 蔡柏璋
Nice to Meet U X NTU
NTCH togo 廣受好評「Nice To Meet U」企劃
體驗國家兩廳院First time!
NTCH togo x National Taiwan University
In the "Nice to Meet U" series, the team hits the street with performing artists, inviting people who haven’t attended a performance at the NTCH before to come to the artists’ show—and guess what, for free.
This time, “Nice to Meet U” visits the National Taiwan University campus with director/playwright/actor Tsai, Pao-Chang. Follow Tsai, a NTU graduate himself, on his visit, where you’d realize art and theater are actually not far away from the bustling life on campus.
"A la recherche des Ents" © Arnaud Conde
"Pizzy Walk" © NICOCO
01:37 受訪者姓名誤植 更正為 連品薰Lien, Pin-Hsun 特此說明
11648 台北市文山區木柵路三段85巷23弄28號6樓
6F., No.28, Aly. 23, Ln. 85, Sec. 3, Muzha Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan
Very Mainstream 狠主流
Very Theatre 狠劇場
© 2020 by Very Mainstream Studio
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