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《迴》- 東西方文化的交匯點
The meeting point of Western and Eastern Culture in Hui
In Hui, Dance Forum Taipei brings the composer’s world onto the stage with a multinational team across six different regions of the world. When the east and the west meet, every decision means a process of negotiation and communication among artists from very different backgrounds. What should the dancers wear? How should the stage look like? “Difficult conversations” are usually the best, says the director Josh Armstrong. This video documents parts of this process, a journey spanning over 4 years, which reaches Tan Dun’s music beyond language barriers and cultural boundaries.
11648 台北市文山區木柵路三段85巷23弄28號6樓
6F., No.28, Aly. 23, Ln. 85, Sec. 3, Muzha Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan
Very Mainstream 狠主流
Very Theatre 狠劇場
© 2020 by Very Mainstream Studio
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