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別在都蘭的土地上說不愛我 x 舒米恩
Suming and his Amis life in E'tolan
他是Suming 舒米恩,最早或許你因為圖騰樂團認識他,或許從他奪下金馬最佳新演員開始,又或許直到他以同名專輯《Suming》奪下金曲獎最佳原住民專輯開始愛上他,近日他所創作的《不要放棄》入圍第五十二屆金馬獎最佳原創電影歌曲。
他是歌手、是音樂創作者、是演員、更是海邊的孩子,從台東都蘭出發,一步步走上愈來愈大的舞台,用音樂在世界各地結交許多朋友,卻未曾忘記家鄉的山與海,10餘年來投身部落文化工作 不曾間斷。
NTCH togo First Time企劃
Suming, award-winning singer, musician, actor from the Amis E’tolan tribe in Taitung, Taiwan. Starting from there, Suming has brought his art and music to bigger and bigger stages, yet the Amis music and culture has always been the solid ground he stands on. In addition to bring elements of Amis music to the world, Suming has devoted himself to culture work within the community for more than a decade, inspiring and educating the youngsters in the tribe.
Follow NTCH togo to E’tolan, where Suming’s long-time friends and family were invited to attend a concert in the National Concert Hall for the first time, and experience Suming’s musical encounter with Kachimba from Okinawa.
11648 台北市文山區木柵路三段85巷23弄28號6樓
6F., No.28, Aly. 23, Ln. 85, Sec. 3, Muzha Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan
Very Mainstream 狠主流
Very Theatre 狠劇場
© 2020 by Very Mainstream Studio
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