Facing Cities
- 導演 / 概念 周東彥
- 構作顧問 Judith Blankenberg
Facing cities started with gathering artist from the two far ends of the world with different backgrounds and practices. They want to find common ground by making a portal that connects people. It's also like making a magic mirror that reflects the world. Facing cities is a collaboration on finding the common ground as human beings. A common ground in the digitalized culture we live in, a common ground to understand the rapid change we live in to preserve what's essential to be human.
- Director & Concept / CHOU Tung-Yen
Two performers from two sides of the world find themselves amidst a digitalized space. We see them interact with each other and with other people, in our mundane, physical world, through a portal and so does their digitalized version. We see them in between places: becoming (part of) the portal. We see a digitalized version of them. It is about identity and starts from a physical identity to a personal identity, becoming a digital identity that in itself again influences their physical and personal identity again.