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Escape Practice

展覽日期:2015.03.21 - 2015.04.12

展覽地點:台北國際藝術村 百里廳



2014年初,周東彥在前往日本秋吉台駐村前夕,在創作計畫中認真的寫下:「我想要安靜,我想要休息,我想要觀察那個安靜。」從日常生活中抽身,然後有了《Saying Goodbye, a few practices》這件作品。遙相對應的他的另一次ESC,是2008年於巴黎駐村的《迷走地下計劃》,同樣把鏡頭對準了暫離狀態的自己。在住居地台北所創作的數位表演藝術作品《片刻暫離》,則是從日常出發,描繪人們透過各種科技產品,在生活中的點狀逸逃。






The Esc key sits quietly in the top left corner of the keyboard. Most of the time, we do not need it; yet it is always good to have it there. The significance of its existence lies in the fact that, because of it, we have a way to say to the computer anytime when it is out of order: “Hey, stop whatever you’re doing, and you’ll have to follow me now”.


Early 2014, shortly before Chou set off for his residency in Akiyoshidai, Japan, he wrote down in the proposal: “I would like to have some moments of peace, I would like to rest, I would like to observe these moments of peace”. Saying Goodbye, a few practices came into place during this time in which the artist had the chance to free himself from daily life. Lost in Underworld, a project from Chou during his residency in Paris in 2008, is also an echo of this longing, in which the artist likewise inspects himself in a state of temporary escape. Moments of Escape, on the other hand, was created in Taipei where Chou resides. This piece of digital performance art sets forth from daily experiences and maps out people’s points of escape via various sorts of gadgets and technical products.


The 3 works in this exhibition present different states of escape from daily life while retaining a common tenor: to escape is to return. It is an intermission rather than an end. Escape is a mirror, in which one sees the self as it is.

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