2012 光偵探工作營
2012 Lighting Detective Workshop
透過光專業者帶領的《光+-工作營 》 ,學員們感受光、探索光、使用光,打破大家對光的原有認知,激發對光運用,從加減中找回光的美學。畢竟,好的【光】設計及運用,透露出一個城市的文化內涵與質量。
Continuing in the vein of the 2011 Let's Sense Light Workshop -- guiding the denizens of Taipei on a close encounter with light and shadow -- CCAF and Huashan 1914 Creative Park are holding a workshop and lecture on the Creative Park grounds from June 22-24, 2012.
For 2012 Let's Sense Light Workshop -- Plus and Minus, participants will be led by famous Taiwanese lighting designers and Uno Lai -- one of our advisors for the Foundation -- on an investigation of light as it is manifested in the urban environment ... to see light that is normally overlooked, and sense how it influences its surroundings.
For those unable to take part in the workshop, we are hosting the Light: Plus and Minus Lecture, to be given by Uno Lai. All those interested in light are invited to come to Huashan 1914 Creative Park on Sunday, June 24, and listen to Uno Lai's illuminating presentation. Through the organization of diverse events, Coretronic Arts & Culture Foundation is giving the masses an opportunity to experience the essence and nature of light, and come to realize its vital role in our everyday lives.
11648 台北市文山區木柵路三段85巷23弄28號6樓
6F., No.28, Aly. 23, Ln. 85, Sec. 3, Muzha Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan